We {heart} Earthbound Farms.
Not only do I drive past it twice a day and grab food there more times during the week than I should admit, we've partied at their anniversary events, we've attended their bug walks, and we love their chef walks. They throw one heck of a party. So, it is with true chagrin that I have to miss Edible Monterey Bay's July pop-up event: Celebrating Earthbound Farm Stand's 20th Anniversary.

Click here to read Deborah Luhrman's blogpost about the event on July 14th. Wine and a guided stroll followed by dinner. Then you'll head out into the fields to pick berries for one of the four desserts planned. Four desserts?!? Now I'm really bummed to miss the party.
Click here to purchase tickets. There are only 40 available, so buy early if you want to attend.
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