Exploring a Few Bottles of Barbera Plus Wild Boar Tamales + 2018 Cascina San Lorenzo Barbera #ItalianFWT
This month Gwendolyn of Wine Predator is hosting the Italian Food Wine Travel bloggers in a discussion about Barbera wines. You can read her invitation: here . If you are reading this early enough, feel free to join our live Twitter chat on Saturday, May 1st at 8am Pacific time. Just follow the hashtag #ItalianFWT and be sure to add that to anything you tweet so we can see it. Here's the line up of what the bloggers are sharing on the subject... Linda Whipple is Getting Reacquainted with My Old Friend Barbera on My Full Wine Glass. Nicole Ruiz Hudson has 5 Nights of Barbera on Somm's Table. Terri Oliver Steffes shares Abbona Barbera del Monferrato, Warm and Elegant on Our Good Life. Cindy Rynning writes It’s Time to Drink More Barbera! on Grape Experiences. Andrea Lemieux asks Wherefore art thou, Barbera d’Asti? on The Quirky Cork. Wendy Klik pours Vietti Barbera d’Alba Tre Vinge 2018; Organic, Sustainable, Bio-dynamic on A Day in the Life on the Farm. Camill