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SRC Reveal: Artichokes with Hollandaise

Welcome to my first reveal with Group B's Secret Recipe Club. I've been a part of the club for several years and took on hostess duties last month, but I still cooked with Group A in March. Now, I'm completely moved over to Group B. Hooray! 

This month I was assigned to Smells Like Brownies, a blog written by Melissa. I love that she characterizes blogging as a journey...she's continually working to improve her skills as a food stylist, photographer, writer, and chef. Way to keep it real, gal. We all need to continue striving for improvement. Love it. And I really love that she has an entire series of posts about her CSA goodies.

I considered her Warm Garlic Scape Vinaigrette, Carrot Chickpea SaladSweet and Salty Arugula Salad, and more. In the end, I settled on Artichokes and Hollandaise. Unlike Melissa, artichokes are a household staple. Maybe it has something to do with our proximity to California's artichoke capital. I was even honored as a 'choke artist in a local paper's 'Artichoke Fetishes and the Insane Recipes that Come With Them' article where I shared my Salmon-Artichoke Cakes, White Lasagna with Artichokes, and Artichoke-Chocolate Bundt Cakes. But I have never ever eaten artichokes with hollandaise sauce...much less made them. This month I changed that. Thanks, Melissa, for the inspiration!

And, as a bonus, these 'chokes were from our CSA Farm - High Ground Organics.

Hollandaise Sauce
inspired by Smells Like Brownies's Artichokes and Hollandaise

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 T lemon juice
  • 8 T butter, melted
  • pinch of fleur de sel
  • freshly ground pepper
In the top of the double boiler, whisk together egg yolks, lemon juice, and vinegar. Add the melted butter to egg yolk mixture a couple of tablespoons at a time while whisking yolks constantly. If the hollandaise begins to get too thick, add a teaspoon or two of hot water. Continue whisking until all the butter is incorporated. Whisk in salt and pepper, then remove from heat. Place a lid on pan to keep sauce warm until ready to serve.

To prepare the artichokes...
Trim the spines from the leaves. Steam until the outer leaves pull away from the stem easily. Remove from pot. Serve with the hollandaise.

Melissa, what a great combination! My husband said he couldn't believe that I've never put those two together before. This will definitely appear on our table again soon, especially since artichokes are just coming into season.


  1. This sounds SO GOOD! I also would never have thought to make this combination, but it sounds amazing!

  2. Hubby makes artichokes as a treat. I may need to help out and make the sauce to go with it.

  3. Camilla, looks great! Glad you enjoyed the combo, though I must offer credit for the idea back to the movie Julie and Julia! Welcome to group B :)

  4. I have never eaten an artichoke. Can you even believe it? This recipe makes me want to try one. :) So happy to have you in Group B!!

  5. LUV hollandaise, though I take the EZ route and do a blender version with some green tabasco. 'chokes and hollandaise make a heavenly bite.

  6. Great choice for the SRC Camilla! I'm not a fan of hollandaise sauce but I know my husband would love these...if only I could get the hang of cooking artichokes.

  7. I always thought hollandaise was really hard, but this doesn't sound too bad.

  8. I've never made hollandaise sauce but you make it sound so easy, what a fun pick this month. I had a great time reading through your recipes and loved the cookies :)

  9. That looks and sounds so good - great choice!

  10. Wow this sounds delicious and super unique. Never thought of hollandaise outside of eggs benedict! great pick.

  11. This sounds so good, great choice for SRC this month. My sister showed me the technique of making Hollandaise sauce a couple of years ago, and I was amazed at how easy it was to make. I think I see some sauce in my future.

  12. I love that these artichokes came from your CSA. Oh to live in CA. I love artichokes but hardly ever make them. I've never developed a taste for hollandaise.

    Thanks for all you do with SRC!!!


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