Riley did a great job with this. In preparation for this dessert I told him he could choose the ice cream flavor when we were at Trader Joe's this afternoon; he selected ultra chocolate. Okay, that made it over-the-top indulgent. But it was fantastic!
Making Dulce de Leche is not difficult, but it was time-consuming; I should have looked at the recipe before I went for a run. It took hours on the stovetop to reach the right consistency. So we ended up having dessert right before the boys went to bed. Probably not the best idea, but I wasn't about to deprive them, especially since Riley made it.
According to Rebecca, the force behind the From Argentina With Love blog, there are a few ways to make Dulce de Leche, and they all give you the same basic result. I opted for the version from scratch - not surprised, right? - and was in shock that there's a version that boils a can of sweetened condensed milk while still in the can. That just sounds hazardous.
4 C milk
2 C organic granulated sugar
1 t baking soda
1 T pure vanilla extract

Ours was a little gritty because Riley didn't whisk as well as he should have, but he's still learning the kitchen ropes. He proudly served his Dulce de Leche atop chocolate ice cream.
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