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The Last Word Cocktail #FoodBloggerLove

Earlier this year I noticed a fun game posted in the online group #FoodBloggerLove. We claim the last blogger in the comment stream and add our own link. Then we have a week to post an inspired recipe. I was thrilled to claim Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories. She and I have been in several different blogging groups over the years, so I was familiar with her blog already. But it was great to really dive deep and get to know her better.

Karen is a prolific blogger and one that joins in on many groups within our community. She was one of two gals who joined me for a year-long project cooking through Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix; read about that here. She is part of #FishFridayFoodies, #SoupSwappers, #BreadBakers, and so many more. You can find her: on the web, on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Pinterest

And I am proud to call her a friend. Hopefully one of these days I'll meet her in person. We do live in the same state, after all. But California is a large one. Fingers crossed that our paths cross in real life eventually. Cheers, Karen!

Okay, I originally claimed Karen for the game because I was going to use it as my excuse to finally follow her instructions and make some sourdough bread. Seriously, Karen is a sourdough goddess. I always look at her loaves longingly, wondering how much effort it will take to master bread baking. I mean, really, look at her Pizza with Sourdough Crust, Double-Fed Sweet Levain Bread, Sourdough Bagels, and Tartine-Style Sourdough Rosemary Polenta Bread. Drool-worthy, right?

I actually selected to tackle her Dill and White Cheddar Sourdough Bread, but I didn't realize that the starter takes three days and the turnaround on this project is a week. I procrasinated too long. Darn it. So, it was back on the hunt for something else of hers I wanted to make. Thankfully she has a recipe index and I began exploring her cocktail list. My goodness! That line-up almost rivals her breads.

I was intrigued by her Elderflower Martini because I can't resist anything elderflower, but my elderflower liqueur v. 2018 is long gone and I haven't gotten started a new batch. I love her Bloody Marys Three Ways and will try them soon. But, I landed on The Last Word. First, because I had all of the ingredients on hand; and, second, because I have had the cocktail before and really enjoyed it.

Karen shared, "Evidently, The Last Word Cocktail, after languishing in obscurity for about 80 years or so, enjoyed a sudden resurgence when a Seattle bartender recreated it and began serving it around 2006. According to folklore, he discovered the cocktail in a book that was written in 1951."

"The ingredients include equal parts gin, green Chartreuse, Luxardo maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice. The cocktail is slightly sweet, but also very herbal." It sounded absolutely up my alley. Don't worry, there's a sourdough event coming up for one of my groups. I'll attempt one of Karen's recipes then. Wish me luck!

The Last Word Cocktail

Ingredients makes 2 cocktails
  • 1 1/2 ounces gin 
  • 1 1/2 ounces Chartreuse
  • 1 1/2 ounces Luxardo Maraschino Originale
  • 1 1/2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Also needed: ice, cocktail shaker, organic lime wheel for garnish


Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add the gin, Chartreuse, Luxardo, and lime juice. Shake for about a minute. Let sit for about 30 seconds to a minute. 

Strain the cocktails into the two glasses and serve with a lime wheel garnish.


  1. Awwww. I hope our paths cross soon too! Next time we are in Carmel we'll have to meet up! Thanks so much for such a nice write up, and if you do make that dill and white cheddar sourdough, you won't regret it. P.S. You're one of the few people I know who would have Luxardo and Chartreuse on hand, and that's why I adore you!

    1. I know! I have some random things in my cupboards. I actually have TWO kinds of Luxardo. I will do the sourdough soon. I promise! And, please, next time you're anywhere near Monterey and Carmel, let me know!

    2. I will! We usually do a fall trip up there every two to three years with friends. This year will be SLO, but hopefully next year!

    3. Not sure when your trip is, but Wendy and I are meeting up in Paso Robles in August for a quick wine tasting with another blogging friend. Would be great if it coincided.

    4. Wouldn't that be amazing if your trip, Karen, coincided with ours. My brother lives 8 miles from SLO and we will be there for 5 days starting August 12th. We are scheduled to meet up with Cam and Lori (another blogging buddy) on Thursday before heading down south for a family wedding on Friday.

  2. Yumm. I may be inspired to order one of those tomorrow night. I'm taking Mom out to celebrate what would have been Grandma's 96th. Cheers!


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