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Boeuf aux Agrumes + Gérard Bertrand 2014 Kosmos

I had originally planned to share this pairing next month when L.M. Archer hosts the French Winophiles as we explore Gérard Betrand Wines. But, then, I received a surprise bottle from the event sponsors and wanted to showcase that one instead. So this is just for fun, a bonus Gérard Betrand pairing.

In My Glass

The 2014 Gérard Bertrand 2014 Kosmos is an organic wine, produced with a natural and biodynamic approach. You can read different explorations I've done in different wine groups around biodynamic wines. Gwen, of Wine Predator, has had us focusing on biodynamic wines in all of our wine groups this year, including #ItalianFWT and #Winophiles. For those events, I shared, respectively: Dinner in Testosterone Land: Braised Short Ribs + 2016 Nuova Cappelletta Barbera del Monferrato and Learning about Biodynamic Wines + M.Chapoutier Wines with Some Cross-Cultural Pairings.

I'll be honest, I appreciate learning about biodynamic practices and I truly respect wineries that are following those practices - whether they get the certifications or not - but the designation is not a guarantee of a "good" wine, in my mind.

This one is both biodynamic and interesting! A blend of 30% Syrah, 20% Grenache, 10% Mourvèdre, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot, 10% Malbec and 10% Marselan, Kosmos offers significant earthy elements, as well as a citrusy kick. The mouthfeel is velvety which makes this an easy-drinking wine.

In My Bowl

Because of the citrus aromas, I wanted to see if I could bring those out with a citrus-scented dish. And we all need a great beef stew in our back pocket, right? This is one of my favorites and I change it up based on what vegetables I have. Sometimes it's cabbage, sometimes it's collard greens.

It’s fairly classic in its preparation — the meat is browned, then layered into a Dutch oven and slow-roasted with a lot of red wine, a splash of brandy, veggies, and herbs. It ends up being spoon-tender, and so complex. We love it!


  • 4 slices thick-cut bacon, cut into 1" pieces
  • 3 to 4 pounds beef chuck roast, cut into 2" cubes
  • 2 T oil
  • freshly ground salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • 1 organic white onion, peeled and diced
  • 6 shallots, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 pounds carrots, cut into thick coins
  • 1 celery head, cut into 1" pieces
  • 1 pound fingerling potatoes, halved
  • 1 organic cabbage head, cut into thick wedges
  • 1/2 C brandy
  • 1 bottle red wine
  • 1 T thyme leaves
  • 1 T rosemary leaves
  • 2 T chopped parsley
  • juice from 1 organic lemon + zest
  • juice from 1 organic orange + zest


Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

In a Dutch oven, over medium heat, toss in the bacon. Cook until the fat is rendered and the bacon begins to color but isn't crisp. Add in the cubed beef and cook until its edges are nicely browned.

Add the onions and shallots. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Cook until the onions soften, approximately 7 to 8 minutes. Toss in the carrots and celery and stir to coat with the oil in the pan.

Pour in the brandy and turn up the heat. Let the brandy boil for a minute, then pour in the wine. Add in the herbs and the citrus juices and zest

When the wine comes to a boil, cover the pot and place it in the oven and allow it to braise undisturbed for an hour.

Remove the pot from the oven. Add in the potatoes and cabbage. If it looks as if the liquid is reduced too much, add just enough water to cover the ingredients. Re-cover the pot and return it to the oven, for another 90 minutes (the entire cook time for this braise is approximately 2-1/2 hours. At this point, the meat should be spoon-tender — if it’s not, give it another 30 minutes or so in the oven.

Serve the beef and vegetables moistened with the sauce.

Because I really was on a citrus kick for this dinner, I also served a green salad topped with fresh kiwi and orange slices dressed in a citrus vinaigrette.


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