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Peaches and Cream Tart #5thAnnualPieathalon #EatPie

This is a new-to-me event: the 5th Annual Pieathalon which is hosted by Emily of Dinner is Served 1972. And I'm looking forward to seeing how Kelli, of Kelli's Kitchen, did with my Chocolate Mousse Pie. She tagged me when she was baking, telling me: "It's only 1:30 in the afternoon on a Sunday and I'm a bit tipsy trying to follow a somewhat complicated recipe --- and it's YOUR fault!! Guess who got your pie recipe?!?!? Woo Hoo! :) I think this is going to be delicious!!" I'm glad she had a positive attitude about the adventure.

Since I'm new to this whole Pieathalon thing, I'll share the rules with my readers. 

1. Pick a pie recipe from a pre-1990 cookbook.
2. Email it to Emily.
3. She assigns it randomly to another pieathlete.
4. We bake.
5. We post.
6. We share.

Before the fun and games started, I made a Foraged Huckleberry Pie just to get my pie-making brain into gear. The boys did not object. I sent off the Chococlate Mousse Pie from Susan Branch's Heart of the Home, a cookbook I've had since I was in high school.

The #5thAnnualPieathalon Pie Pans!

Peaches and Cream Tart
The recipe I received was submitted by Clara of Heritage Recipe Box - a Peaches and Cream Tart published in Virginia Seasons: New Recipes from the Old Dominion by the Junior League of Richmond in 1984. You can see it here.

I was excited to receive a peach recipe as it's summer stone fruit season and I was dying to make a peach pie of some kind anyway. Serendipity. My boys joked, "This is what happens when Mom gets her hands on fruit from the sacred peach tree of heavenly wisdom!" (That's a reference to one of the Kung Fu Panda movies, in case you don't have kids or they weren't in the age group to watch that movie.)

And, because I wanted to use ingredients I already had, my version is slightly adapted from the Old Dominion version. I didn't have any orange liqueur...and I forgot the egg in the crust. It worked just fine. Sorry, Clara.

  • 1-1/4 C flour
  • 1/4 C ground almonds
  • 1/2 C (1 stick) softened butter
  • 3 T powdered sugar
  • 1 t pure lemon extract
  • water, as needed

Cream Filling
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 1/4 C sugar
  • 1 T pure lemon extract
  • zest from 1 organic lemon
  • water for thinning, if needed

  • 2 to 3 ripe organic peaches, pitted and thinly sliced
  • 1/4 C peach preserves
  • 1 t pure lemon extract
  • 1 T water


In a food processor, pulse the flour with the ground almonds and powdered sugar. Add the butter cubes and pulse until chunks the size of small peas form. Pour in lemon extract and cold water, as needed, and pulse, again, till the dough comes together in a ball. Turn out the dough into your tart pan and press firmly along the bottom and up the sides. Place in the freezer and chill while the oven heats.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place the tart pan on a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the crust from the oven and while it cools, prepare your filling.

Cream Filling
In a food processor, blend the first four ingredients together until smooth. If too thick, thin with water, adding just 1 t at a time until desire texture. Spoon the filling into cooled crust.

Place the peach preserves, lemon extract, and water in a small saucepan. Heat until the preserves melt into a glaze. In the meantime, arrange the peach slices over the cream filling. Spoon the glaze over the peaches and serve.

What a fun event. I hope I'll be invited back for the 6th Annual Pieathalon! Thanks for hosting, Emily; and thanks for the recipe, Clara.


  1. What a beautiful and delicious looking pie! I have to go find some peaches ASAP!

  2. This looks and sounds delicious - especially the fresh peaches and the almonds in the crust. Great to 'meet' you for the Pieathalon :)

  3. Yummy yum yum!
    I am glad that you were able to join. You're on the mailing list for next year, Camilla!

  4. Love peach pie and this version sounds wonderful. Glad we were invited to join in the fun this time around.

  5. Such a beauty! I think it's perfect and hey, thanks for such a great pie recipe. I have made it twice now -- one with alcohol and one without so my grandson could have some and boy did he have some!! It was a great choice and I look forward to competing with you next year!

  6. Your pie looks fabulous! So glad to see that someone succeeded in making a really good pie for the blogging event. The other links I followed ranged from utter disaster to mild flop to broken link so no pie to look at. Maybe it's relevant that yours is the first pie that uses real fruit without messing with it in some weird way!

    best... mae at

  7. I hope that tastes as good as it looks!

  8. I love JL cookbooks and in hindsight I don't know why I didn't pull one of my many retro ones out for this event! Love Kelli!

  9. You always knock it out of the park, Camilla! This looks like a wonderful recipe.

  10. That looks so pretty! So it's like a sort-of cheesecake, in a pie, with peaches on top?

  11. I'm glad you tried the pie that I submitted to the Pieathlon. It looks beautiful! I totally endorse substituting what you have on hand even if it's not exactly what the recipe says. I've never made this recipe before - I thought it would be good because the fresh peaches are in season. It sounds like a success. Thanks!

  12. The pieathelon sounds like so much fun!. . . and it looks like you got a wonderful recipe. The tart is beautiful.

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