Our niece Naomi is recovering from surgery and I asked my sister-in-law what she might like us to bring to the hospital. One word: Jello.
Oy! Truth: I have never made Jello. And I can't even remember the last time I ate Jello.
But, for our sweet gnome, I can do it! I put out a request for tips from my social media circles and my friend Shelby sent me these three links - 'the easiest Jello jigglers', mini rainbow towers, and Zakka Life's Rainbow Jello. I ended up using the last one. The boys and I headed out to the store and the boys picked the flavors.
Cherry, Peach, Lemon, Lime, Berry Blue, Grape
Prepare to laugh...I approached the first layer - purple - with trepidation. I tore into the package and poured the magic Jello powder into my mixing bowl while the water boiled. "It's white!" I hollered. "Why is it white?!?"
The boys came running. Dylan looked in the bowl, looked at me, and started laughing. "Mom, it turns colors after you add water." Really?!
Apparently Nonna makes Jello and he's seen this before. Yes, it did turn purple when I added the water. A wave of relief swept over me and I soldiered on.
1 6oz Jello + 1-1/4 boiling water + 30 minutes in the fridge. Repeat.
Here's the final layered Jello rainbow...
Oy! Truth: I have never made Jello. And I can't even remember the last time I ate Jello.

Prepare to laugh...I approached the first layer - purple - with trepidation. I tore into the package and poured the magic Jello powder into my mixing bowl while the water boiled. "It's white!" I hollered. "Why is it white?!?"
The boys came running. Dylan looked in the bowl, looked at me, and started laughing. "Mom, it turns colors after you add water." Really?!
Apparently Nonna makes Jello and he's seen this before. Yes, it did turn purple when I added the water. A wave of relief swept over me and I soldiered on.
1 6oz Jello + 1-1/4 boiling water + 30 minutes in the fridge. Repeat.
Here's the final layered Jello rainbow...
Then I free-handed her name and used a heart cookie-cutter...
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