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Chicken and Mashed Potato Waffles for #FoodieExtravaganza

Welcome to the Foodie Extravaganza
v. August 2015 = a Potato Par-tay

Foodie Extravaganza is where bloggers come together and celebrate food holidays. Did you know there is at least one food assigned to each day of the year to celebrate that food?

Kathleen from Fearlessly Creative Mammas is our host this month and since she is from Idaho, she picked potatoes. All of the recipes will feature potatoes in one form or another.

 Posting day is always the first Wednesday of the month. If you are a blogger and you're interested in joining in the fun, visit us at our Facebook Foodie Extravaganza page. You can also visit our past party submissions on our Pinterest Foodie Extravaganza board .

The Potato Party
 We hope you will enjoy the recipes we are sharing this month. The potato is so versatile that we've come up with a huge variety of recipes for you to try.

Posting day is always the first Wednesday of each month. If you are a blogger and would like to join our group and blog along with us, come join our Facebook page Foodie Extravaganza.  We would love to have you! If you're a spectator looking for delicious tid-bits check out our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest Board! Looking for our previous parties? Check them out HERE.

My Potato Offering
Let’s talk about chicken and waffles. This is a completely new-to-me dish. I mean, I have heard about chicken and waffles for years. I just have never made them myself. Then I thought about chicken and mashed potatoes and I knew that I wanted to give chicken and mashed potato waffles a shot for this event. And it was such a hit with my family that we've made it three times already; these are cemented in our family's favorite dishes. And since everything is baked, I don't mind making them. Okay, the gravy probably isn't the healthiest... I will post my oven-crisped chicken recipe and creamy gravy recipe soon. Feel free to use your version of both until then. This post is, after all, all about the potato part!

Mashed Potato, Mozzarella and Herb Waffles 
with Oven-Crisped Chicken and Creamy Gravy

Waffles Ingredients

  • 4 T unsalted butter, melted and browned
  • 1/4 C buttermilk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 C mashed potatoes
  • 3 T chopped herbs (I used a mixture of mint, parsley, and chives)
  • 1/2 C flour (since my husband is doing a gluten-free experiment right now, I used a mixture of all purpose gluten-free from King Arthur and sweet white rice flour)
  • 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/4 t baking soda
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 t fresh ground black pepper
  • 1/4 t garlic powder
  • 1 C grated mozzarella cheese

Waffles Procedure
Place browned butter into a medium mixing bowl. Whisk in buttermilk and eggs until combined. Add in the mashed potatoes and 2 T herbs. Stir to combine.

In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.  Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.  Use a wooden spoon to mix until all of the flour is thoroughly combined, but don't overwork the dough as it will render the waffles tough.

Heat a waffle iron and grease, if needed.

Scoop 1/4 C batter into the waffle iron.  Cook until golden; the amount of time depends on your particular waffle iron. Remove waffles place on a wire rack to rest.  The wire rack will keep the waffles from getting soggy as they cool.

Before serving the waffles, place waffles on a baking sheet and top with mozzarella cheese.  Place waffles under the broiler until cheese is melted, approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute.  Remove from the oven, sprinkle with remaining herbs and serve warm, topped with your favorite crispy chicken and favorite gravy!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a fun idea! I love that you brown the butter first... and then broiled cheese on top? Yes please! The smothered chicken and gravy on top would just take it over the edge! We need to make this soon!

  2. What a great idea....Are you in the waffle event next month? Can I steal this recipe for that please?

  3. Love this ideal - so smart, and such a fun twist for a potato dish!

  4. Yum! Love the idea of adding potatoes to this. Great choice for the event!

  5. What a great idea! I love the idea and you've pulled it off! Wendy beat me to the question: are you in the waffle event next month?

  6. Great idea for gluten-free waffles!

  7. I LOVE THIS IDEA! I haven't had chicken and waffles myself, but my husband loves it. I'll be looking forward to your baked crispy chicken recipe!

  8. This is some serious comfort food; potatoes, gravy, waffles and chicken, your recipe has it all! Thank you for sharing.

  9. Inventive! Finding new ways to prepare a classic certainly makes mealtime more fun. Your family is very fortunate!

  10. Loving the cheese on top. No wonder this is now a favourite in your family. I would have never thought to add mashed potatoes to waffles but now I will be making this really soon

  11. I've heard of chicken and waffles before and I don't really get it. I've heard I'm missing out though. We love chicken and mashed potatoes, so I'm sure this would be a hit with my crew.

  12. I've never heard of this dish before, it sounds lovely and comforting though.

  13. What an amazing dish! It looks great and sounds like something I need to make right away!


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