Since our friends are away for the summer, she told me to help myself to the plums on her tree. You don't have to tell me twice. So, with two carrots in hand - one for each of their dogs (to minimize barking) - the boys and I liberated pounds of plums from the Mobley tree and came home to do some summer cooking. We are going plum(b) crazy this afternoon. First up: jam.
3/4 C liquid (I used a mixture of water and cherry juice - from the other summer cooking going on)
1/2 lemon, halved and juiced
1 vanilla bean, sliced and seeded
1. Sterilize the jars for canning by boiling them and their lids.
3. Reduce the heat to medium. Hold the jam at a constant simmer, checking frequently to make sure the jam isn’t scorched at the bottom of the pot. After 15 minutes, check to see if your jam has set by running a wooden spoon down the middle of your jam. If the jam leaves a path, it's set. If the liquid runs back to fill the path, cook it a little bit longer. Remove the vanilla bean pod.
You’ll hear the sound of can tops popping shortly—a sign that a secure seal has been made. Pop, pop, pop. Or, you can refrigerate the jar without processing and use it within three weeks. Enjoy!
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