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Making Artisan Pasta for the Foodie Reads 2016 Challenge

The Foodie Reads 2016 Challenge is on. I've actually had this book for over three years, but this is the first time I've read it cover to cover: Making Artisan Pasta by Aliza Green.* I was reminded of it when I went to the first night of an artisan pasta class at a local high school. It's being taught by a friend of mine from college, the über-talented and amazing Jenn who blogs at Rook No.17. She now heads the culinary arts classes at a local high school. And I am envious of her students every single day. Look what we made on the first day of class: hand-rolled, hand-cut spinach papardelle.

So I came home from class and settled down on the couch with some apple slices, almond butter, and a class of Chianti. Then I read the book. Cover to cover. Twice.

I own a ridiculous number of cookbooks and it's a pretty special cookbook to get me to read it like a novel and inspire me into the kitchen immediately...or at least making an ingredients list immediately. Making Artisan Pasta is such a book. Aliza Green writes about pasta, about ingredients, how to make pasta, form pasta, and so many more ideas and tips on making fabulous pasta.

The photos are similarly inspirational from the step-by-step photos to the beautifully styled finished dishes. Admittedly, this book could seem intimidating - from working with dough and all the different appliances and gadgets - but it's really not. Green's instructions can inspire the most dough-averse person to make delicious homemade pasta. And while there are recipes that call for specific gadgets, she offers adaptations and hacks in case you don't want to plunk down any money for said gadget.

Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of the book is that it isn't limited Italian pasta. Making Artisan Pasta explores noodle-making traditions from around the globe, including Japan, China, and Turkey.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone considering taking up pasta-making as a hobby. It's inspiring and easy-to-follow. I have included links below to the book itself as well as the pasta machine and drying rack I use at home.

*This blog currently has a partnership with in their affiliate program, which gives me a small percentage of sales if you buy a product through a link on my blog. It doesn't cost you anything more. If you are uncomfortable with this, feel free to go directly to and search for the item of your choice.


Here's what everyone else is reading this month: January 2016 Foodie Reads Challenge.


  1. I have a pasta attachment on my kitchen aid that I have yet to use. perhaps I need to remedy that.

  2. Camilla, I have a pasta attachment for my kitchen aid, but always forget to use it! I will have to check out this book and get excited about making pasta again.

  3. Your pasta looks amazing! I love cookbooks that inspire you to read them like novels.

  4. This sounds like my kind of book! Hunting down a copy now!

  5. Hah! I love how you said (and I am one ) a "dough-averse person." ;-) I envy people with the gumption to make their own pasta. It sounds like an interesting book.

  6. Cam, I agree, once you get past the fear, there's really nothing to making pasta, (I would definitely go the distance and get the marcato atlas pasta roller, it lasts for-freaking-ever!) and the taste of homemade pasta is phenomenal. You can have a fantastic time while you're making it - with your family - and a meal on the table in less than an hour.

  7. Haha, "dough-averse" is such a great descriptor for those of us with a fear of anything resembling baking (+ a long list of failures to justify that fear). I quite like that this book includes hacks for folks who won't/can't buy up special stuff just to try out making pasta. That's always one of the scariest things about trying something new, to me -- having to buy up some bit of equipment that might get used once.


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