Soupe à la Noix de Coco Camerounaise
(Cameroonian Coconut Soup)
This is a traditional Cameroonian recipe for a soup of potatoes, onions and leek in a coconut base. I skipped the leeks but added carrots and celery; also, I left it chunky and skipped the blender. It was a hit. Everyone polished off their bowls and everyone asked for seconds.
3 diced carrots
3 sliced celery stalks
1 diced onion
6 cubed red potatoes
4 C organic chicken broth
16 oz. coconut cream
In a large souppot, saute all but the last two ingredients in a splash of olive oil until cooked and beginning to caramelize. Add the chicken broth and coconut cream. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer till everything is warmed through.
Serve with some bread slathered with...
Papaya Jam
Though the papaya jam is a traditional element to a Cameroonian dinner, I couldn't find any recipes for it. So, I made up my own.
Peel one whole ripe papaya, add 1/2 C tangerine juice and 1 C organic granulated sugar. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Continue cooking until all the moisture has evaporated. Spoon into sterilized jars Seal tightly and store in the refrigerator.
I also used the jam as the topping for my...
Gâteau à la Patate Douce
(Cameroonian Sweet Potato Cake)
This was, as one of the kids said, like a pumpkin pie without the crust. And since on one of our friends is gluten-free, I used brown rice flour.
2 sweet potatoes, roasted, skinned, and mashed
1 C brown rice flour
1/2 C granulated organic sugar
2 eggs
1/2 C milk
Blend everything together to form a thick batter. Spoon batter into a buttered baking dish. Bake for an hour in a 350 degree oven, until firm to the touch. Cool in the pan for 5 minutes before inverting onto a serving dish. Serve warm with a scoop of papaya jam on top.

This Knight of the Global Table Adventure is signing off for now. We're moving through the 'C's now. Stay tuned for Canada.
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