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Strawberry Japanese Soufflé Pancakes #SundayFunday

Today the Sunday Funday group is celebrating pancakes. Thanks to Stacy of Food Lust People Love, Sue of Palatable Pastime, Rebekah of Making Miracles, and Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm for coordinating this low-stress group. And, for this event, Stacy is hosting. She wrote: "National Pancake Week is February 27 through March 5, 2022 so let's start the week out right by sharing our favorite pancake recipes from any cuisine or culture. Anything with a batter is fair game: dosas, griddle cakes, idli, okonomiyaki, alebele, banh xeo, palačinky, farinata, and traditional or crêpes de sarrasin, just to name a few! There are so many! Share your favorite."

Here's the pancake party line-up from the #SundayFunday bloggers...

The History of Pancakes in My House

For years, pancakes were the bane of my culinary existence. I just couldn't make fluffy American pancakes to save my life. Mine were flat and dense...except at altitude. When we were in the mountains, my pancakes were great. So, I contented myself and my hungry trio with pancakes from all around the world. We have made...

Pannekoeke which are South African crêpes. When I first read the title on a list of South African cuisine, I expected something more like the Dutch pannekoeken; I have written about pannekoeken before: here. And we make crêpes - French versions, Danish versions, and even Italian versions - often! But, no, these are definitely thicker than crêpes, but thinner than regular pancakes. They can be sweet or savory, but are most often rolled up with a cinnamon sugar blend. Done!

On the savory side of pancakes, we love Scallion Pancakes and, as Stacy reminded me, Okonomiyaki, Japanese cabbage pancakes. That was one of the dishes that R requested I teach him before he left for college. Of course!

And I did finally master fluffy buttermilk pancakes. You can watch that on the CulinaryCam YouTube channel...

But, my guys didn't allow me to celebrate my culinary victory for too long. D immediately declared, "Good job, Mom. Now I think you need to figure out how to make Japanese Soufflé Pancakes." I have never even heard of them. But I ordered up the ring molds and got to work. The first time I made them, they were delicious, but ugly. The second time, was better, but my technique still wasn't quite right. By the fourth time, my family declared that I had figured it out..."and so much faster than it took for American pancakes." Ha. So true.

The last time I picked up R for the weekend, I asked him for any requests. Without hesitation, he said, "Strawberry Japanese Soufflé Pancakes." we go.

Strawberry Japanese Soufflé Pancakes

Ingredients makes 6 pancakes
  • 4 egg whites and 2 egg yolks from 4 large eggs, separated and chilled
  • 6 Tablespoons organic granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla paste or vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 6 Tablespoons cake flour
  • ¼ cup milk, chilled (I used whole milk)
  • ½ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 Tablespoon dehydrated strawberries, crushed plus more for serving
  •  Unsalted butter, for greasing and serving
  •  Also needed: ring molds; skillet; organic powdered sugar; unsweetened whipped cream; macerated berries (such as these)
Place egg whites in a medium mixing bowl. Add lemon juice and salt. Beat until foamy. Then add in 5 Tablespoons of granulated sugar - one Tablespoon at a time - until peaks are glossy and stiff.

Place egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. Whisk in the remaining 1 Tablespoon of granulated sugar, vanilla, and baking powder. Whisk in the flour, crushed dehydrated strawberries, and milk until fully blended. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the egg yolks, taking care not to delate the meringue.

Heat a skillet over the lowest heat and grease the pan and the inside of the ring molds. Once the pan is heated - when droplets of water steam off the pan - place the ring molds on the skillet. Pour 1/2 cup of batter into each of the molds. cover the rings with a lid or tent with foil. Cook until the batter is puffed and almost firm, approximately 4 to 5 minutes.

Then, using a spatula, carefully flip the ring mold to the other side and cook for an additional 3 to 4 minutes. The pancakes should spring back when pressed gently. Run a knife around the inside of the mold and transfer pancakes to a serving dish. Unmold carefully and repeat until all of the batter has been used.

Garnish with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and more crushed dehydrated strawberries. Serve with macerated berries and a dollop of whipped cream. Serve immediately.

That's a wrap on my offering for the #SundayFunday pancake event. We'll be back next week with celery recipes. Stay tuned...


  1. I've been thinking about making the Japanese souffle pancakes for a while and have even saved a few recipes in preparation. You have inspired me to do it! Yours look wonderful and light, Camilla.

  2. They are gorgeous Cam, I had never tried souffle pancakes but then I found the recipe for my rice cooker and it was so good. I'll have to try my hand at the original.

  3. Oh wow Camilla, what a wonderful and classy breakfast treat. Japanese Souffle Pancakes look so gorgeous.


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