I know that I am not alone in this, but between Easter and the end of the school year - each and every year - I fall into an abyss where obligations (things I have to do) swirl together with desires (things I want to do) and just about drown me. Just about.
Here's me with my pot o' chili for twenty at Half Moon Bay State Beach last weekend.
I usually can manage to check off all the things that are required. For example, in the past week I have hosted a camping birthday celebration for Riley with five families in tow, finished a poetry book for Riley's teacher, made two photo yearbooks for close friends, cooked a caramelized onion tart and roasted potatoes with avocado sauce for Riley's end of the year party, whipped up three ham and cheese quiches for Dylan's end of the year party...but all I have to eat is a handful of granola, a coffee, and a Coke. Yes, Coke. Desperate times call for caffeine and sugar with a tad of chemicals mixed in there.
So, I am looking forward to the end of the school year when bed times push back and I can cook at a more leisurely, read "less panicked", pace and finally, finally, finally get back on track with our cooking around the world adventure.
In fact, Riley was reading us his list of "summer homework" in preparation for fifth grade: read everyday, explore some place new, invent something, cook a meal, and help your mom or dad without being asked. Cook a meal. That is just one more reason why we love their school: it's not just about math and reading. It's about being a whole, balanced person.
The boys have been hounding me to cook our next country. Well, I cooked a country at our friends' house a few weeks ago and have yet to blog about that. But I have done my research and have a line-up for this summer. This week, we get back in the saddle and cook the Comoros, the Congo, and the Ivory Coast. I'm taking a pass on Costa Rica, but will (re)post about our culinary adventures there. Stay tuned. Happy summer vacation! And happy cooking.

I usually can manage to check off all the things that are required. For example, in the past week I have hosted a camping birthday celebration for Riley with five families in tow, finished a poetry book for Riley's teacher, made two photo yearbooks for close friends, cooked a caramelized onion tart and roasted potatoes with avocado sauce for Riley's end of the year party, whipped up three ham and cheese quiches for Dylan's end of the year party...but all I have to eat is a handful of granola, a coffee, and a Coke. Yes, Coke. Desperate times call for caffeine and sugar with a tad of chemicals mixed in there.
So, I am looking forward to the end of the school year when bed times push back and I can cook at a more leisurely, read "less panicked", pace and finally, finally, finally get back on track with our cooking around the world adventure.
In fact, Riley was reading us his list of "summer homework" in preparation for fifth grade: read everyday, explore some place new, invent something, cook a meal, and help your mom or dad without being asked. Cook a meal. That is just one more reason why we love their school: it's not just about math and reading. It's about being a whole, balanced person.
The boys have been hounding me to cook our next country. Well, I cooked a country at our friends' house a few weeks ago and have yet to blog about that. But I have done my research and have a line-up for this summer. This week, we get back in the saddle and cook the Comoros, the Congo, and the Ivory Coast. I'm taking a pass on Costa Rica, but will (re)post about our culinary adventures there. Stay tuned. Happy summer vacation! And happy cooking.
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