to go a month without anything processed, that's just not a reality. So, instead of setting myself up to fail, I pledged to serve - at least - one unprocessed meal to my family every day.
You can read more about the challenge put out by Andrew at Eating Rules: here.
And here are some of Andrew's posts that have really helped me decide what I'm including in my family's meals in October and what is verboten!
- About Sugars and Sweeteners... click here. Molasses is out; last year I was misguided by molasses!
- About Flours and Grains... click here. Not that we buy white rice frequently - almost never, in fact - but I was surprised that it passes as an unprocessed food.
- About Chocolate... click here.
For the most part, I don't eat processed foods. At least I don't think that I eat processed foods; I buy ingredients and make - from scratch - just about everything my family eats. But this month is a great eye-opener for me to think about how the ingredients I buy are processed.
I'm ready for the month. What do you think? How processed are the foods you eat?
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