In the heart of the West End District, in Sand City, lies a craft beer house that is part tavern, part retail store. And they have some hard to find brews. Sounds right up my alley. Check out their website: Post No Bills Craft Beer House.
So, when our kids' school hosted a movie night on campus, giving us over 2 kid-free hours on a Friday night, Jake, Ulla, Craig, and I packed a picnic dinner - did I mention it's B.Y.O.F? - and headed over there there. Bring. Your. Own. Food. How awesome is that?! I can have the beer house experience while eating what I want to eat.
As delicious as all of that was, I am writing this to rave about the beer. As soon as we settled down at our table, I walked over to the glass coolers and started to peruse the options.
A few weeks ago, we had watched a documentary about beer. Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales was one of the featured breweries. Since we watched that, I've been dreaming about their flavor combinations. Midas Touch is the one that piqued my interest - barley, honey, muscat grapes, and saffron. I'm a sucker for anything saffron. And there it was. Right next to it was a bottle of Palo Santo Marron - a malty brown ale with overtones of caramel and vanilla that was aged in exotic Paraguayan Palo Santo wood.
I plucked them both from the cooler and sauntered, triumphantly, back to the table. I found Dogfish Head ales locally! I will definitely be back. And I love that I can purchase bottles and take them home. I see many beer-food pairings in my future.

Between the two of us, Ulla and I loaded up the table with sheep's milk cheese, goat milk cheese, fig-olive tapenade, dry salami, hummus, pita chips, tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula salad, and torrone. Quite a feast.

A few weeks ago, we had watched a documentary about beer. Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales was one of the featured breweries. Since we watched that, I've been dreaming about their flavor combinations. Midas Touch is the one that piqued my interest - barley, honey, muscat grapes, and saffron. I'm a sucker for anything saffron. And there it was. Right next to it was a bottle of Palo Santo Marron - a malty brown ale with overtones of caramel and vanilla that was aged in exotic Paraguayan Palo Santo wood.
I plucked them both from the cooler and sauntered, triumphantly, back to the table. I found Dogfish Head ales locally! I will definitely be back. And I love that I can purchase bottles and take them home. I see many beer-food pairings in my future.
Since i really know NOTHING about beer, I love going to places like this where I can learn and try new varieties. Sounds great!