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Lion's Head Meatball Soup for #SundaySupper

The Sunday Supper Family is kicking off 2016 in a big way! January is designated National Sunday Supper Month so what better time to get together and share your favorite Sunday Supper?!?

The Sunday Supper Movement's mission: get as many folks as possible around the family table.

The biggest gift we can give to our family is to hug, laugh, share our stories and enjoy great meals together. The focus on great food and memories with the family is one I wholeheartedly endorse...all week long. Not just on Sunday.

Here's what the Sunday Supper Family shared today in our first post of 2016...

Appetizers and Soups

Main courses

Side dishes


Help us celebrate National Sunday Supper Month by entering the Idaho® Potato Let's Poutine recipe contest, sponsored by the Idaho Potato Commission, with prizes of $500, $200 and $100, plus a ticket for each winner to Food Wine Conference 2016. All the rules and conditions for entry can be found on our Sunday Supper Movement website.

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat.

To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It's easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

There are actually very few days that Jake, R, and D and I don't sit down for breakfast and dinner to eat, talk, and laugh. And, most of the time, D, who is my Enthusiastic Kitchen Elf, helps me put the meal on the table.

If you are interested, take the pledge. Follow this link and pledge to eat dinner as a family on Sunday.

Lion's Head Meatball Soup

For my recipe today, I wanted to share my Enthusiastic Kitchen Elf's favorite dish.

D is always quick to say, "It's not made with any part of a real lion!" This dish gets its name from the noodles and greens looking like the shaggy mane of a lion.

He loves to make this and even shared it with our huge extended family one year. Also, there are several elements of this dish that are symbols of good luck in different culinary traditions. We like to hedge our bets for the coming year, so I try to incorporate as many of those as I can around this time of year.

Pigs, and thus pork, represent progress as pigs put their snout to the ground and more forward. Leafy greens, the color of new growth and resembling paper money, are said to ensure prosperity. And long noodles are said to represent long life; you see this belief in most Asian nations.

  • 2 lbs ground meat (we used beef and pork)
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 4 shallots, diced
  • 2 T flour
  • 2 T minced ginger
  • 2 T minced garlic
  • 1 T minced lemongrass
  • 4 T minced cilantro
  • 8 C baby spinach, washed and dried
  • 2 C mushrooms, sliced
  • 6 T soy sauce
  • 4 T toasted sesame oil
  • noodles (we used buckwheat soba noodles)
  • 8 C organic beef broth
  • 1 C water

Preheat the oven to 375° F.

In a medium bowl, combine the pork with the beef and, then, with the onion, garlic, shallots, ginger, lemongrass, and 2 T cilantro. Mix by hand until all is incorporated. Season with 5 T soy sauce and 3 T sesame oil. Add flour and mix again.

Form the meat into balls. Flatten them a bit so that they are not completely round. Arrange meatballs in a single layer on a silicone-lined or parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake meatballs at 375°F for 35 minutes or until done.

In a large soup pot, saute the onions until softened and turning translucent. Pour in the broth and 1 T soy sauce and 1 T sesame oil. Bring to a boil. Add in the remaining cilantro.

Add the meatballs, reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Add the greens, noodles, and mushrooms. Simmer until the noodles are cooked.

To serve Lion's Head Meatballs, serve each meatball in a small bowl surrounding by the greens and noodles.

Do you see the lion?


  1. I do see the lion! What a super flavor-filled dish, Camilla. Your kitchen elf is very talented!

  2. Love the flavors with the garlic, ginger, and lemongrass!! Happy New Year to you Camilla!

  3. Having raised Tingting for the last 9 years, I have learned a lot about Asian Culture and their traditions. We are getting ready to celebrate the Chinese New Year around here and this would make a great soup course. Thanks Cam.

  4. I was wondering where the name came from! No matter what it's called, this soup looks marvelous!

  5. Oh wow, this looks like an amazing combination of flavors. I will definitely have to try it.

  6. Love that "no lions were harmed" in the making of this dish. ;)

  7. I love your story and photos! That soup looks delicious, I'd love a bowl!

  8. I've always seen that on menus but never ordered it. Now I don't have to because I can just make it! Yum!

  9. I'll bet the broth is delicious and even better with those meatballs. Happy New Year!

  10. I love all the flavors in here and nice to know how it gets the name! Looks delicious and good on your helper being so enthusiastic.


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