I've been making this for years...and I've never really measured until this year. I am certain there are plenty of version of this fresh relish out there. It's so easy, fresh, and delicious.
2 C fresh cranberries
3 seedless, organic clementinues
1/4 C coconut sugar
ground cardamom
ground cinnamon
ground nutmeg

Place the cranberries, spices, and sugar in a blender. Slice two clementines into wedges and place them in the blender. Squeeze the juice from the third clementine into the blender along the the empty skins.
Blend until desired texture. You can make a smooth paste, or leave it more rustic.
Spoon into a jar, cover, and refrigerate until ready to use. I've never really had leftovers on this, but I would say, use it within a week.
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