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SRC Reveal: C Mom Cook {Orphan Rescue}

I'm on Orphan-detail again today for the Secret Recipe Club and I am so excited about having been introduced to Shelley of C Mom Cook. And my boys loved what I made from her blog.

One of the reasons I always volunteer to help out an SRC orphan is to meet new foodie bloggers. And Shelley is definitely one to follow. She writes: "I love food and almost everything involved with it - preparing it, eating it, sharing it. I am a stay at home mom to two wonderful children and it is my goal to share this love of food and the appreciation of the process with them as they grow." Very cool. My own parenting goal in the culinary realm is similar: to grow conscientious, creative kids with fearless palates who can cook for themselves and all their friends!

Looking through Shelley's blog, there were so many recipes I wanted to try. And I love, love, love her step-by-step photos. She has 28 recipes tagged as 'sourdough'! I still steer clear of any recipes with sourdough; I guess if I could figure out what "sourdough starter" was, I might not be so intimidated.

I finally settled on her recipe for Sloppy Joes. Funny story...and my version...

I pack my kids' lunches...and mine...and my husband's. But I quickly realized that ordering hot lunch at school was something the boys wanted to do for the social (versus culinary) aspect. They felt that they were the only ones who never got to pick up a tray, wait in line, and get food from the cafeteria. While I am fully cognizant that my two are not the only ones whose moms pack their lunches everyday, I still agreed that once a month they could choose a hot lunch.

Back when Riley was in 2nd grade, he had never heard of - or had - a Sloppy Joe. But I told him that he would like it. It had meat and tomatoes, two of his favorites. And he did. He loved it!

The next month, while perusing the menu to make his selection he hollered, "Mommy, what's the name of the sandwich that I like? You know...'messy'?! Jack??!" Triumphantly he announced, "That's it: Messy Jacks!" We all laughed and it became a running family joke. But, until now, I had never made them at home. Thanks to Shelley's inspiration, I now have a recipe for...

  Riley's Messy Jacks
inspired by C Mom Cook's Sloppy Joes

splash of olive oil
1 pound 96/4 beef
1 large onion, diced
2 shallots, diced
2 bell pepper (I used red and orange, you could use green or whatever you like), diced
3/4 C organic ketchup
1/2 C water
1 t dry mustard
1/2 t chili powder, more or less to taste
freshly ground salt
Worcestershire sauce (I didn't have Worcestershire sauce, so I added the ingredients below)
1 t fresh squeezed lime juice
1 t blackstrap molasses
1 t raw honey
splash of Thai fish sauce
splash of soy sauce
splash of pear vinegar

Add olive oil to a large skillet over medium high heat. Add onions, shallots, and bell peppers. Cook until softened. Add ground beef and cook until brown. Drain as much of the fat as you can. Add the ketchup, dry mustard, water and "Worcestershire sauce" ingredients. Stir to combine, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. Serve on pretzel rolls or kaiser rolls. Enjoy!


  1. Riley's smiling face will forever be associated with Messy Jacks - loved the story, and the recipe looks pretty good too!

  2. I like the word messy better than sloppy. Whatever it is called, it looks delicious.

  3. Aww, thanks so much for rescuing me! (and I have to laugh - no wonder Suzanne didn't pick me for the orphan rescue! LOL!!) I may just start calling these Messy Jacks from now on - I love that story! And you should TOTALLY get started in sourdough. I'll help you through any of it and you'll be AMAZED at what you can make :) Thank you so much for sharing my recipe!

  4. They look so good! Sloppy Joes are one of our favorite meals! Great SRC choice!

  5. Here's the recipe for sourdough starter...

    1 package active dry yeast
    1/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F)
    1 cup flour
    1 cup sugar
    1 cup milk

    1. Dissolve yeast in water. Let stand ten minutes.
    2. In 2 quart glass, ceramic, or plastic container (remember: no metal!) combine 1 cup flour and 1 cup sugar. Mix thoroughly or the flour will lump when milk is added.
    3. Slowly stir in milk and dissolved yeast mixture.
    4. Cover loosely and let stand at room temperature till bubbly.

  6. YUM!!! My girls have requested Sloppy Joes for Valentines dinner...I had to laugh. They are my youngest daughters favorite so I've made them for many birthday dinners especially! These sound good! I'm a fellow SRC member, group D.

  7. Homemade sloppy joes are always SO much better than the canned stuff. So glad you have your own recipe to make for years to come! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love homemade sloppy joes and messy jacks is a perfect pseudonym! Great pick

  9. Your little guy is adorable and I love your Messy Jacks!
    Happy Valentine Day!
    Miz Helen
    SRC Group B

  10. This sounds pretty easy and looks delicious!


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