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Stuffed Black Garlic Monkey Bread for #BreadBakers

BreadBakers#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the BreadBakers home page

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. This month Jenni of Pastry Chef Online has selected stuffed breads as our theme.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to Stacy at

Here's our Stuffed Breads Basket...

Sweet Breads

Savory Breads

...and What I Made...

My Stuffed Black Garlic Monkey Bread was a great snack while we played Monopoly and sipped some stout beer. Yum.

Have you tried monkey bread? Do you know why it's called monkey bread? If you know, please clue me in because I haven't dug up any satisfactory explanation.

I don't make it very often, but since my family loved the Persimmon Monkey Bread I made last year, I decided to try a savory version...and to stuff it! Woohoo. Here we go. Oh, and if you're unfamiliar with black garlic, click to read a brief intro: here. You have to try it!

After making this version, I would make two changes. Next time, I would use twice as much black garlic; and I would make the balls smaller.

  • 1 T active dry yeast (1 packet)
  • 1 1/3 C warm water
  • 1 t organic raw turbinado sugar
  • 3 1/2 C flour
  • 3 cloves black garlic*, minced
  • 1 t freshly ground sea salt
  • 2 T olive oil (I used a garlic-infused olive oil)
  • 1/2 C butter, melted
  • 6 ounces mozzarella cheese, cubed
  • marinara sauce for dipping
Combine yeast, warm water and sugar together in a mixing bowl. Stir gently and let stand till the yeast blooms, about 10 minutes. Stir in flour, black garlic, and salt until a sticky dough forms.

Knead dough on a floured surface for 4-5 minutes or until very elastic. Pour the olive oil into a mixing bowl and transfer dough to the bowl. Turn dough over to make sure the oil coats it completely. Cover bowl with a clean dish towel and place in a warm spot for 45-60 minutes.

While dough rises, melt the butter and cube the cheese. Butter a bundt pan.

Once dough has risen, punch dough down. Tear off chunks of dough and press a cube of cheese into the center. Pull the edges up to enclose the cheese.

Roll the balls in melted butter and drop into the prepared bundt pan. Repeat until you have covered the bottom of the bundt pan with a layer of filled dough balls.

Sprinkle with cubes of cheese cheese. For a second layer..,and a third if you have enough dough. Complete with any remaining cheese cubes. Cover pan with a towel and let rise until doubled in size, approximately 30 to 40 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Uncover dough and bake until golden brown, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from oven and move to a wire rack to cool slightly.

Cool in pan for 10 minutes then turn out onto a serving plate or cutting board. Serve warm with marinara sauce for dipping.

*After a few people have commented that they are unfamiliar with black garlic, I decided to add a link to the product that I use and love! This is an affiliate link.


  1. I neved tried black garlic but your bread looks and sounds delicious

  2. I forgot... Thanks so much for hosting the challenge :)

    1. I didn't host this month. Our hostess was Jenni, Pastry Chef Online

  3. Nice to see a savory monkey bread. And I wish I could find black garlic in my area. I keep looking for it and hopefully one day I'll find it.

    1. Savory Spice Shop carries it, Renee. I'm sure you could order from there if you don't have a Savory near you.

    2. Our local Trader Joe's used to carry it, but the last time I looked, they didn't have it. When I asked, they said that it hadn't sold well and discontinued it. So, I buy it online.

  4. I've never cooked with black garlic before but have heard great things. This sure seems like a good use of it!

  5. I do really like black garlic, and I can imagine how perfect it is with cheese and more cheese in this bread!

  6. Never had black garlic before, love new things that I haven't tried. Your monkey bread looks amazing!!

  7. We are garlic lovers in this house so I absolutely would follow your direction to double it. I have never tried black garlic but I hope to soon remedy that.

  8. Oh, boy, that's pretty, Camilla! I don't know about black garlic, but I do see the smoked garlic occasionally here. I'd love to try your cheesy monkey bread with that.

  9. That looks so good Camilla!! I want to dip a piece in marinara sauce!

  10. all that gooey melted cheese ..OMG looks awesome!

  11. Thanks for the link to the black garlic, it's a new ingredient for me and I'm interested in trying it. I like all things monkey-bread and know I'd enjoy yours too!

  12. My spice guy at the Savory spice shop made me try some black garlic last year. Oh how it got me hooked to the flavor. I loved your take on it. Great idea!!

  13. That is one flavor packed monkey bread. Never tried black garlic before but it sure sound delicious.

  14. My brother just brought me some black garlic! Can't wait to try this!

  15. I had never seen black garlic until now and I love how you've used it in this bread! This looks simply delicious!

  16. Black garlic is beyond fabulous. Amazing!

  17. I love monkey bread, the first thing i did was to check what is black garlic? perfectly done bread!!!! Need to check whether we get that black garlic here in uae!!

  18. I like the savoury monkey bread a lot, it looks very yummy.

  19. I've never tried black garlic before but garlic plus cheese has to be delicious!

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