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Potato Roses #helpingcookies

First, a note about the title, or rather the hashtag in the title: #helpingcookies. No, there are no cookies involved in this recipe. I joined a blogging event, coordinated by Julie of The Little Kitchen, to make a different in the fight again pediatric cancer.

Did you know that cancer is the #1 cause of death of children by disease in the U.S.? There are 40,000 U.S. children actively battling cancer right now. With less than 4% of the National Cancer Institute's budget going to all childhood cancer combined, I knew it was important for me to get involved. 

Help us make a difference by donating to Cookies for Kids' Cancer! Our goal is to raise at least $3000. Because these three companies: Dixie Crystals, Land O’Lakes, and Mediavine have each pledged to match our donations raised through this campaign up to $3000!!! Currently, we have raised: $1,565 we are a little over HALF WAY towards our $3000 goal, will you help us with a donation today? Every little bit helps! Donate here.

Second, I usually don't care for roses, except in a garden. But when I came across roses made from potatoes, I decided that I'd make some for my Valentines. This is pretty simple if you have a mandolin slicer or really impressive knife skills. I have the former. Actually, I have two or three of the former. They are very helpful since I lack the latter! Hehe.

  • organic yellow potatoes, scrubbed and dried (I am a Texas girl after all!)
  • freshly ground salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • butter, melted

Equipment Needed
  • mini bundt pan or mini muffin pan
  • silicone brush
  • mandolin slicer

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Brush the hollows of the pan with melted butter. Set aside.

Slice your potatoes on the thinnest setting possible. Lay them in a line, overlapping the edges slightly. Carefully roll the slices to create a flower. Place them in the hollows and repeat until the flowers look they way you want them to look. Brush the petals with melted butter and sprinkled with freshly ground salt and freshly ground pepper.

Roast the potatoes in 10 minute intervals, brushing them with more butter if they look dry. Mine took approximately 40 minutes to become crisped and browned. If you like them less brown, try 30 minutes.

Here are some more wonderful recipes you should check out!! Bloggers who are also sharing a recipe and supporting Cookies for Kids’ Cancer!


  1. Such a clever idea! I'll be giving this recipe a try soon! I'm happy to be participating with you in this bloggers' event for such a good cause!

  2. Love your little to donate now...thanks for taking the time to spread this message.


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